Many people might think about ending their marriages, or they might be in the middle of a divorce case already, and they wonder when it is time to consult with a divorce attorney in their area. You might not want to jump the gun and call a lawyer too soon, but in reality, it is never the wrong time to discuss your situation with a Boca divorce lawyer.
That said, there are certain times that you should certainly schedule a legal consultation, including those below.
Your Spouse Filed for Divorce
If your spouse files a divorce petition and serves you in Florida, you have only 20 days to file a response with the family court. If you fail to file a response, you risk a default judgment, which will not take into consideration any of your wishes in the divorce. Immediately seek legal help if you learn your spouse filed for divorce.
You are Ready to File for Divorce
If you are confident that you want to end your marriage, your first step in the process should be to consult with and hire a divorce attorney. Never take steps toward a divorce without the right guidance and preparation of a skilled legal professional.
You are Unsure of Whether Divorce is the Right Choice
Divorce is a difficult decision, and many people go back and forth about whether to pursue a case. Often, speaking with a law firm can help you decide. We can tell you what to expect and assess how complicated your case might be, which might weigh in favor of a divorce or not.
Never Hesitate to Speak with a Boca Divorce Attorney Today
Juliana Gaita, P.A. is ready to help at any stage of the divorce process. Contact us to set up a consultation today and we can answer all your questions.