Florida name change attorney

Obtaining a name change or gender change in Florida is a relatively simply process. If you are considering a name and/or gender change, It is of the utmost importance that identifying documents of transgender and gender non-conforming individuals accurately reflect their gender identity and expression. Florida courts have the authority to grant name and gender marker changes for both adults and minor children. If you have filed for Bankruptcy or have past or pending criminal charges a Court will need that information. It may not present an obstacle to a name or gender change, but it will be important to discuss that with the attorney. The Court wants to ensure that you are not changing your name to avoid Legal issues or for any nefarious reasons. 

The court process for a minor seeking a name and/or gender marker change is filed by the minor’s parents or legal guardian.  It is the parents who have to undergo the fingerprints and background checks, not the minor child. The parents are also the ones who undergo fingerprinting and background checks. If both parents agree to the name and/or gender change, then they can petition the Court together, by filing a joint petition. If they do not, the objecting parent may have the right to oppose the petition and will have to be served and noticed on the Petition. At Juliana Gaita, P.A. we can assist you with both a legal name change and a gender marker change.  Depending on the level of services you desire, we can help you change your name in the courts and your gender marker on your Social Security card, driver’s licenses, passport and birth certificate. 

If you were born in Florida the process of changing your birth certificate is pretty straight forward, but every State has a different procedure, which we will assist you in navigating. With most Florida Courts still conducting hearings by Zoom, it is a great time to begin the process of a name and gender change.